The Memorial

Salle de Projection
The visit ends with the projection of a documentary film with a rich iconography of archives (films, photos and maps) and several testimonies of veterans. The film is available in French, Polish, English, and German.
Relics from the battlefield
This part displays different items found on the battlefield, such as weapons, helmets, uniforms, personal items. These relics sometimes still carry the name of their owner, or show obvious traces of the fighting that took place in this area.
Accueil et boutique
Home and shop
Tours depart every 15 minutes. The memorial shop offers a wide range of books on the Battle of Normandy, a large part of which specializes in the Falaise pocket or the 1ère division blindée polonaise. And of course, a large choice of postcards. At the end of the visit, the memorial shop offers a wide range of souvenirs, including a selection of specialized books on the Falaise pocket.
Salle de la maquette
Animated map
The animated map displays the advance and the positions of the various units during the battle. A light and sound system features the shrinking of the Falaise pocket under the allied pressure, finishing around the corridor of death. This map replaces the battle of Chambois – Falaise in the specific context of August 1944, when the Allies are 72 hours from Paris while on the eastern front, the Warsaw rising and the soviet Bagration offensive battle German forces.
Panoramic view on the battlefield
Benefitting from the position of the memorial, situated over the battlefield, a guide presents step by step the account of the three days of the battle. Testimonies of soldiers or civilians, precise figures as well as anecdotes make this description very lively, while remembering the horror which accompanied the destruction of two German armies. This explanation near the bay windows constitutes the most outstanding part of the visit. The presentation of the battlefield is done in two languages : French and English.

1 : Animated map
2 : Panoramic view on the battlefield
3 : Relics from the battlefield
4 : Home and shop
5 : Cinema